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Joe is badly injured, and Iris has faith that the real Barry is still alive somewhere within the twisted monstrosity of the dark speedster.Meanwhile, Iris (Candice Patton) has a heart-to-heart with Ryan Choi (guest star Osric Chau), while Oliver (guest star Stephen Amell) and Diggle (guest star David Ramsey) return to an old familiar stomping ground.Use of this website constitutes acceptance of the SideReel.Meanwhile, Iris, Allegra, and Kamila investigate the secret organization Ralph and Barry saw at the gala.Meanwhile, Ramsey Rosso (guest star Sendhil Ramamurthy) uses his deadly new abilities to save his own life, while sacrificing his humanity in the process.Meanwhile, Iris (Candice Patton) has a heart-to-heart with Ryan Choi (guest star Osric Chau), while Oliver (guest star Stephen Amell) and Diggle (guest star David Ramsey) return to an old familiar stomping ground. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















Watch The Flash | Episode Guide | SideReel

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Joe, Barry, and Cisco head down into the sewers to catch Grodd but the gorilla quickly gets the upper hand after he kidnaps Joe.Meanwhile, Eddie gives Iris a surprising gift at Christmas and leaves her with a question that could change her life.Iris and Barry have a heart to heart talk.As things seem to be going from bad to worse, The Flash gets reinforcements--Arrow and Firestorm.Iris and Barry have a heart to heart talk.In flashbacks, Harrison Wells is shown coming up with the idea for the particle accelerator.To make matter worse, Dr.Joe and Caitlin warn Barry that Cold can't be trusted.To make matter worse, Dr.True to form, Cold has his own agenda that involves the meta-humans trapped in the containment cells.In an effort to stop him, Barry and Joe seek help from the original Trickster, a criminal mastermind who has been imprisoned for 20 years.In an effort to stop him, Barry and Joe seek help from the original Trickster, a criminal mastermind who has been imprisoned for 20 years.As things seem to be going from bad to worse, The Flash gets reinforcements--Arrow and Firestorm.

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Image source: wir.skyrock.net&w=250

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